What Sets Our Kansas City Bankruptcy Law Firm Apart?

Bankruptcy is the Main Focus at Sader Law Firm

Picture of our Kansas City bankruptcy law firm

At Sader Law Firm, bankruptcy is our main focus. Every attorney handles both consumer and business bankruptcy matters. Since 1984, attorney Neil Sader and his legal team have been guiding individuals and businesses to stable financial futures. When clients first see us, they are often upset, stressed and frankly desperate for some relief. Unlike many other types of legal practice, our clients often start to feel better after the very first meeting. Unloading their financial problems and turning over the responsibility for the paperwork to a professional can help a great deal.

We offer our clients a range of options and possible solutions and guide them every step of the way. After the case concludes, we are proud to say our clients emerge from the bankruptcy process with reduced stress and peace of mind. They now have a fresh financial start for themselves, their businesses and their families.

Here are some reasons to choose Sader Law Firm if you find yourself or your business struggling to make ends meet:

Reasons to Choose Sader Law Firm

  1. We are counsellor as well as counsellors.

    Our firm prides itself on helping people and find immense satisfaction when guiding clients through Chapter 7, Chapter 13 and Chapter 11. We offer individual, personal service and never treat any client like just another case file. When cases are difficult, we try to be creative when looking for solutions. When cases are complex, we attempt to find solutions that are as simple and effective as possible. For these reasons, many of our new clients are referrals from past clients.

  2. We offer a full range of business bankruptcy services.

    Some Kansas City bankruptcy law firms do not practice Chapter 11 for individuals or businesses. If you have a small company, family business, sole proprietorship or partnership, you may face hard times. The earlier you seek help from Chapter 11 attorneys, the more options you will have to save the business and get back on track.

  3. The Sader Law Firm is not a bankruptcy mill.

    Some firms charge less attorney fees for bankruptcy cases. This is their choice. However, be warned that low-cost, television and billboard advertising “bankruptcy mill” firms do not offer clients personal services or follow-up assistance when needed. The old adage “you get what you pay for” rings true with bankruptcy attorney fees. Do not settle for lower-end firms to save a few bucks when your entire financial future is on the line.

  4. Neil Sader is Board Certified in consumer bankruptcy law.

    In 2000, founding partner Neil Sader received board certification as a specialist in consumer bankruptcy from the American Board of Certification. He received recertification in 2006 and 2009.* Neil has met rigorous and objective standards. Additionally, he has demonstrated great knowledge in the area of consumer bankruptcy. When considering your options, choose a board-certified bankruptcy specialist over an attorney who simply dabbles in bankruptcy law.

  5. We have a proven track record of student loan debt reduction.

    Student loan debt is mistakenly thought of as completely non-dischargeable in bankruptcy. However, Sader Law Firm has a proven track record of success dealing with unmanageable student loans. Even if you cannot completely wipe out student loans, our law firm can negotiate reductions in principle amounts and payments for clients. Missouri Lawyers Weekly highlighted our firm when we settled our client’s student loan debt of $400,000 for $75,000 in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy proceeding.

Offering Free Telephone Consultations for Individuals and Businesses

Whether you are an individual considering consumer bankruptcy, contact us. If you need to stop foreclosure after a mortgage default, we can help. If you are a small or medium sized business owner struggling to stay afloat, contact Sader Law Firm. We offer free telephone consultations with our attorneys to review your unique situation and answer your questions. Call us and see what our Kansas City bankruptcy law firm can do for you.

*The American Board of Certification is accredited by the American Bar Association and is co-sponsored by the American Bankruptcy Institute and the Commercial Law League of America. Neither the Supreme Court of Missouri nor the Missouri Bar reviews or approves certifying organizations or specialist designations.