After filing for bankruptcy, secured and unsecured debt will be handled differently. Depending on the personal financial situation of debtors, there are various options to discharge or reduce these debts in Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy. Options for Secured Debts During Bankruptcy Secured debts include liens on assets such as homes, vehicles and department store credit cards. These debts, which are given higher priority during bankruptcy, use the physical assets as collateral to protect the lender. Depending on whether debtors file Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the outcome of secured debts can vary. After filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, secured assets can be sold to pay back lenders. Any leftover debts after assets are sold become unsecured debt, which are then eligible for bankruptcy discharge. However, not everyone filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy will need to have their important assets auctioned off to pay back creditors. There are certain…
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