Vaccines for COVID-19 are finally on the horizon. Unfortunately for millions of people, the vaccine will not mean relief from a crushing financial crisis. Many Kansas and Missouri residents are still out of work. This trend may continue in the near future. If you are out of work and are facing a difficult situation, there are some financial relief programs you may qualify for in Kansas or Missouri.
Financial Relief for Evictions and Utilities
Depending on where you live, you may have access to resources that can help prevent eviction. Kansas has the Kansas Eviction Prevention Program, also called KEPP. Unfortunately, your deadline to apply for this program, if you were eligible, was December 15.
However, the Kansas City Housing Corporation says on its website that KEPP funding might be renewed for 2021 depending on the actions of state and federal lawmakers.
There are multiple eviction prevention and bill pay assistance services in Missouri. The Missouri Emergency Rental Arrear Program helps renters and landlords financially affected by the COVID pandemic. Applications for this program open January 2021.
If you have a utilities account with Ameren Missouri, then you may qualify for assistance with past-due balances. Another possible option is to use the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Due to LIHEAP being a federally-funded program, the option is also available in Kansas.
All of the programs above have eligibility requirements. You should consider contacting each service if you have more questions about eligibility.
Food and Nutrition Assistance
There are multiple programs that help provide food and nutrition assistance for eligible individuals. Some of those programs and links to their pages are below:
- Missouri Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
- Missouri Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
- Kansas Food Assistance & Nutrition Program
- Kansas Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
You also may be able to secure food from a local nonprofit or charity if you are in the Kansas City area. Be sure to check Kansas City on the Cheap for a listing of meal and nutrition assistance programs in your area.
Harvesters is one organization that may be able to help provide food to people struggling financially due to COVID. The organization provides services to 26 counties.
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If you have questions about using bankruptcy to stop creditor collection actions, including for foreclosure or vehicle repossession, then we encourage you to contact us.
We can also answer your questions about preventing an eviction or discharging debts. You can schedule a consultation with The Sader Law Firm by dialing (816) 561 1818 or by using the contact form on our site.