Attorneys Explain the Bankruptcy Means Test
Bankruptcy lawyer Christian D. Nafziger explains what happens when a client first calls or visits the office. One of the first things that happens in the bankruptcy process involves the means test, which determines if you can file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
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The demeanor of people absolutely can change because information is so powerful and the type of information that we talk about when we’ve discussed financial problems. People aren’t familiar with bankruptcy terms, they don’t know how the laws work, for goodness sakes, you know here in Kansas City area the laws are very different in Missouri than they are in Kansas.
So people are often confused and are often really needing sound advice and accurate advice on what the real legal remedies are and what their legal answers might be for their particular problem.
So when they come out with more information and when they know what is going to happen, and when they have a time line, and when they know what information we’re going to need and be able to get from them, they usually are so much, you know, so much calmer, so much more relieved and it just makes a lot of sense.