Collection agencies can make being trapped in debt even more exhausting and stressful. Harassing phone calls and aggressive attempts to contact debtors have caused many consumers to file complaints and lawsuits against collection agencies. Complaints against collection agencies are filed with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, collection agencies are not allowed to misrepresent themselves, threaten debtors or use abusive language. In March, more than 3,800 consumers filed complaints against debt collection agencies. Among the complaints filed with the CFPB, 33 percent were for communication tactics, threats and making false statements. In one case, a collection agency used false information and threats to coerce people into making payments they did not owe. In another case several years ago, a collection agency was caught threatening to kill pets if payments were not made. Even collection agencies that work for the federal government have been…
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