Bankruptcy gives debtors the power to protect certain assets from their creditors. One of the most powerful and important assets that bankruptcy can protect is income. Income allows you to put food on your table and clothes on your back. This is why garnishments can be so devastating to people that have them placed on their wages or bank accounts. Garnishment is a legal order used for collecting a monetary judgment on the behalf of a plaintiff. If a creditor files a lawsuit and receives a judgment against you, they will likely try to garnish your wages or bank account. Additionally, some special types of debts, such as tax debts, may use garnishments without first receiving a judgment.
When you file for bankruptcy in Missouri and creditors receive notice of the bankruptcy filing, all existing wage garnishments must be removed and no new garnishments can be placed.
At The Sader Law Firm, our attorneys will guide you through the bankruptcy process in Missouri or Kansas, and we work to ensure creditors are notified immediately of your bankruptcy petition filing, so no further collection actions are taken, including the filing of any type of garnishments.
If you are facing lawsuits over unpaid debts or already are being garnished, call The Sader Law Firm to speak with an experienced bankruptcy attorney. We offer a free initial phone consultation at no cost or obligation to you.